Saturday Program – Registration Form Saturdays Program for kidsRegistration Form Student Information First Name: Last Name: TC Number: Age: Date of Birth: Nationality: Gender: —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Is your child a new or returning student to Midad programs? —Please choose an option—NewReturning Has your child studied Arabic or Quran before? —Please choose an option—YesNo If yes, please indicate which program(s) and when: Please indicate your child’s current Arabic level: Language(s) spoken at home: Guardian Information Guardian's Name: Guardian's Phone Number: Guardian's Email: Payment Information Payment Options: —Please choose an option—One-Time Payment: 11000 TRYTwo Installments: (6000 - 6000 TRY)Three Installments: (5000 - 4000 - 4000 TRY) Payment Method: —Please choose an option—CashPayPal Sibling Information Does your child have a sibling in the program? —Please choose an option—NoYes If yes, please specify the sibling's name: