Vocabulary Workshop
March 14, 2023 2023-03-14 16:17<strong>Vocabulary Workshop</strong>
Place: EDEP
Attendees: EDEP staff and Arabic teachers
Presenters: Dr. Fadi Shatnawi and Mr. Khaled Snober, Qasid Jordan.
Workshop themes:
- The Importance of a vocabulary lesson and the teacher’s role in it
The vocabulary lesson is a criterion for the teacher’s success. The focus should be on the formulation of a specific strategy by which teachers can introduce the meaning of the Arabic vocabulary to students in the proper context.
- Teaching framework:
Teachers should prepare for the lesson by introducing the new vocabulary list to students through contexts that create objective and linguistic relationships between the subject and the words. Moreover, students should examine multiple exercises like arguments, dialogue, etc. to ensure the idea of exposure, production, and gradual learning.
- The phases of the lesson plan from beginning to end are summarized as follows:
(Chat – Warm Up – First Engagement – Activation – Termination)
- What should a teacher think when creating exercises?
The teacher must determine the purpose of the exercise before making any as exercises are not only for fun. Time and evaluation should be considered, as well as giving instructions and clarifying them to the student, and in some cases, the teacher must apply an exercise once before assigning it.
- Decentralized education:
The teacher is not the center of the lesson and students must realize that they do not need the teacher significantly- this will encourage them to produce at any time and place without always having the teacher around.