Comprehensive Arabic For Kids in Istanbul – Registration Form Kids Registration Form Student Information First Name: Last Name: Age: Date of Birth: Gender: MaleFemale Country of Residence: Is your child new to Midad's programs: NewReturning If returning, please indicate last semester and when: Language(s) spoken at home: Sibling Information Does the student have a sibling in the program? NoYes Course Preferences Select your course preferences: Comprehensive Arabic Program - $1199Comprehensive Arabic Program - $1199 + Quran Session One - $220 ($1419)Comprehensive Arabic Program - $1199 + Quran Session Two - $220 ($1419)Comprehensive Arabic Program - $1199 + Quran Session One & Two - $440 ($1639) If you selected Quran, which program do you prefer? Quran Recitation & TajweedQuran Memorization If you selected Quran, please indicate learning goals: Parent's Information First Name: Last Name: Parent's Email: Alternative Email: Parent's WhatsApp/Telegram Number: Media Release Agreement I, the undersigned, agree to have my child photographed, recorded, and videotaped by Midad Al-Madina for promotional and educational purposes. I, the undersigned, agree: YesNo